Saturday, May 30, 2009

Setup Zend Framework in your Computer for Windows

Zend For beginners

Setup Zend to start new project

There are few basic requirements that you need to know to start Zend Framework.

You should have knowledge of PHP, HTML, CSS, not required in depth to start

It is required to have Zend FrameWork library in your computer. You can get its FrameWork in the follow link:

Click here

Please follow these steps to setup ZendFrameWork in your computer

For windows

Extract Zip file in your local drive say (c:\wamp\www\ZendFrameWork 1.8 ) not necessary but give preference to extracts the file in folder www (Note: This is instructed assuming you have wamp)

Please configure ZendFrameWork:

Setpath in system variable as PATH=C:\wamp\www\ZendFramework-1.8.1\bin

Please set path for PHP also if you don’t have set its path before


So you have setpath both the path till now.


Edit php.ini file as

include_path = ".;c:\php\includes;C:\wamp\www\ZendFramework-1.8.1\library"


Please edit set Apache module to rewrite_module

Click little icon of wamp in toolbar then follow this path

Apache->Apache Modules->rewrite_module (check this)

Now please check this

Run->cmd->then go to www path as

C:\wamp\www>php –v


C:\>php -v

If it display version of php then you have successfully setup path of php


Then please write zf –help

If you get information like Zf create project …. Then you have successfully setup Zend Framework

Congratulation now you can freely use Zend Framework

Begin with c:\wamp\www>zf create project

This will create Zend Project in www folder
